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‘Super drunk’ Drivers Face Tougher Punishment with Michigan Law

If you’ve never been arrested or convicted of a DUI (OWI), chances are you might not even know the legal difference between driving while drunk and driving while super drunk. While this may seem like an unimportant distinction, being caught driving or operating a vehicle while legally considered “super drunk” carries with it some much steeper punishments compared to those who are merely “standard” drunk. But before we get into exactly what consequences one can face, first you have to know:

Who can be charged with being super drunk?

Only a first time offender with a blood alcohol level of 0.17 or higher can be considered super drunk, while secondary offenders are often charged with standard supplementary offenses regardless of their level of intoxication.

Punishments for Super Drunk offences

Unlike standard drunk driving offenses, super drunk offenses will earn harsher punishments, including:

  • Up to 180 days in jail compared to 93 days for a standard offense;
  • A fine of at least $200 but no more than $700 compared to the $100 – $500 fee for standard drunk drivers;
  • License suspension lasting for at least 45 days, followed by at least 320 days of restricted driving complete with the use of a mandatory ignition interlock device;
  • Possibility of court ordered alcohol treatment for a minimum of one year
  • Possibility of up to 360 hours of community service.

All in all, first time offenders who are convicted as super drunk drivers may end up owing upwards of $8,000 to $10,000 for their crimes after the fact.

The good news is, although super drunk drivers face tougher punishments with these Michigan laws, it is still possible for those who are accused to fight for their innocence and potentially avoid or lessen the severity of their sentence with help from reputable drunk driving attorneys. Our drunk driving attorneys at Fraiberg & Pernie, are extraordinarily accomplished, having handled many cases and making it possible for thousands of people to get the second chance they deserve. Best of all, at Fraiberg & Pernie, we strive to make our services as accessible as possible by providing easy, flexible, affordable payment plans so you never have to worry about anything except the outcome of your case. If you have been charged or accused of drunk driving, you need to put your trust in our drunk driving attorneys at Fraiberg & Pernie! Call us at  248-986-2682, or complete our free case review form in the sidebar to receive a prompt response from our one of our knowledgeable  attorneys.